Stylish plant pots without drainage holes

If you already have your plants potted, you might want to consider a decorative plant pot cover to create a coherent style statement in the room – or simply to make the pot look nice! These plant pots without drainage holes also do the practical job of a saucer or drip tray, allowing for proper drainage in a decorative coat.

You can use our flower pot covers to instantly spruce up your houseplants' look without the messy hassle of having to re-pot them. These pot covers are easy to exchange between plants, so if you decide your monstera doesn’t look good in gold then it’s a simple as lifting it out with its pot and slipping it into a different cover.

The quick and easy nature of plant pot covers makes them ideal for special events such as corporate expos, company parties or even weddings.

Our range comes in a wide variety of colours, patterns, textures, and sizes, which you can mix and match for a custom set, so whatever the theme, we’re sure to have something that will fit.

If you fall in love with one of our designs but it happens to be too large for the plant you had in mind, a plant pot cover could be the ideal solution. Instead of potting your little plant in a pot too big for its roots, making it hard for it to reach and collect nutrients, you can pot it in a correctly sized planter and use one of our stylish pot covers. With some TLC it’ll be big enough before you know it.

However, with our range of plant pot cover sizes, you will likely find one that fits just right.